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Conical Rounder

Conical Rounder
conical rounder

Combining efficiency with hygienic, non-stick operation, this is a fully integrated part of Baker Perkins’ dough forming systems for high output plant bakeries.

Optimum shape and structure with minimal work

This unit accepts divided dough pieces and forms them into ball shapes for the first prover and final moulder. Gentle handling preserves the internal dough structure, and the process conditions the surface of the dough pieces for easier handling downstream.

Dust free, hygienic and easy to clean

To prevent dough adhering to surfaces, contact parts are made from polymer or have long-lasting, non-stick coatings.

Easy calibration for product changes and repeatable set-up

Dough pieces leave the rounder in a controlled manner at a constant speed, reducing the risk of double dough pieces.


Piece weights from 300 to 1,760 grams; outputs to 10,000 pieces/hour.

Conical Rounder Gallery

Conical Rounder Further Reading

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    Paston Parkway
    PE4 7AP

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    3223 Kraft Ave. S.E
    Grand Rapids
    49512 2027