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TruBake™ HiCirc Convection Oven

TruBake™ HiCirc Convection Oven

The TruBake™ HiCirc Oven is a high-rate direct convection heating system achieving exceptional product quality, high throughput and low operating costs. The TruBake HiCirc can be configured to the precise needs of any application.

High efficiency, low costs

Precision control of temperature and airflow creates a stable and predictable environment for even baking and good moisture extraction.     Faster baking and lower losses through the heating system minimise fuel consumption with significant savings in fuel and maintenance costs.

Stable baking environment for any product profile

Each zone is specified to achieve the desired baking profile, with independent temperature, extraction and airflow control. High pressure in the plenums above and below the band distributes the heated air evenly across the full width of the oven

Modular, hygienic design maximizes floor space

Multiple modules are arranged on site to form an oven with separate heating zones. Blowers and burners located above the oven create free aisles and more available floor space around the oven.  There is maximum access for cleaning and maintenance, and control is from a single touch screen HMI.

TruBake™ HiCirc Convection Oven Gallery

TruBake™ HiCirc Convection Oven Further Reading

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