Shredded Cereals Home › Products › Shredded Cereals Scroll Left Scroll Right Shredded CerealsShredding rolls form cooked cereal into distinctive, multi-layered shredded cereals and snacks, including malted wheat squares, multi-layered shredded wheats, 2, 3, or 4 layer corn or rice snacks, and shaped or filled products.Many of these products contain a single ingredient, making them attractive to consumers seeking a healthy diet.Broad product choiceShredding is an alternative to flaking, designed to form cooked cereal into layered shredded or strand type products. Examples are shreddies, shredded wheat and mini shredded wheat. Products are usually based on corn, wheat, bran or rice.Efficient productionCooked grains are formed into very thin sheets by passing them between pairs of contra-rotating shredding rolls. Several pairs of rolls are used in series to lay webs on top of one another forming a multi-layered sheet. Up to 20 layers can be combined, and the addition of fillings between layers is possible.Process expertise at every stageA complete line for shredded products incorporates cereal cookers, dryers, shredding rolls and an oven or toaster. We offer a series of best-in-class unit machines for each key process area and an unrivalled ability to combine them into a profitable and efficient line.Suggested Product Opportunities Bran Sticks Cinnamon Squares Filled Shredded Squares Malted Shredded Squares Mini Shredded Wheat Puffed Shredded Squares Shredded Wheat Shredded Wheat Shapes Wheat & Rye Shredded MultigrainAvailable Equipment Cook Master™ Cereal Cooker Shred Master™ Shredding System Preparation & Coating Systems